Abahumuza Development Group

About Us

Abahumuza Development Group is an indigenous Development Group, a company established to serve the plight of human development and concerned with the state of our environment. This responsibility entails the consideration of youth, adults and considerate of all gender. The Organization was formed in 2019 by a group of able young people envisioning the growth and development of themselves and the environment around them. This entails tracking personal development challenges, Environment, Food security and Climatic change, and livelihood challenges in Western Uganda.

Abahumuza Development Group was spontaneously established on the 12th/September/2019 with 14 (Fourteen) members, all committed individuals with a formidable educational and working background. The purpose for the establishment of this Organization was to promote the social, economic development of its members and the community in the areas of its operation. With the vision to venture in a variety of business activities and sectors including manufacturing and agro-business development, this is to be done with an environmental conservation mindset.

Abahumuza Development Group has a Board of Directors referred to as the Management Board which is the policy making body and is responsible for providing the overall leadership and the vision of the organization. The Board is also responsible for policy formulation, rules and provides guidance to the General body in policy and activity implementation. The Board is also responsible for the recruitment of staff and volunteers to ensure that the organization operates according to its constitution. In order to execute all these duties, Abahumuza Development Group constituted a Sub-Committee; namely; Finance and welfare Sub-Committee tasked with the responsibility to ensure smooth running of organization activities.

The Management team is responsible for overseeing the project activities in various areas and their responsibilities among others include, planning, organising and implementing activities as directed by the Board decision, policies and program. The Management Team is organised in two large departments, namely; Program and Finance and Administration.



Ankole Garden Mall, Mbarara City. P.O Box 646, Mbarara – Uganda Monday — Friday : 8 a.m to 5:30 p.m Saturday — 8 a.m to 3 p.m


+256 (0) 779 294288
+256 (0) 752 605892
+256 (0) 392 944700

